By: Reagan Parker, PCA sophomore   On the night of November 28, PCA host their annual Christmas tree lighting.  The 
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By: Ginny Nutting, PCA Sophomore On November 29, the Lady Patriots faced off against the Brentwood Lady Eagles for their 
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By: Haleigh McWilliams, PCA Freshman Mrs. Barr’s math students have recently tackled the world of polygons and 3D shapes. To 
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By: Ginny Nutting, PCA Sophomore On November 21 and 22, PCA’s Lady Patriots traveled to Edmund Burke Academy (EBA) to 
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By: Ginny Nutting, PCA Sophomore PCA recently held the annual See You at the Pole event. A tradition started in 
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By: Ginny Nutting, PCA Sophomore Mrs. Angie Miller’s senior classes recently finished reading Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, a novel that 
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By: Haleigh McWilliams, PCA Freshman On Tuesday, October 18, the PCA drama team hosted their annual dinner theater to present 
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By: Haleigh McWilliams, PCA Freshmen Over the past couple of weeks, Mrs. Lauren Bluestein’s sixth grade have been working on 
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Pinewood Precious Moment It was fall of 1973. As dusk was beginning to fall, PCA came alive with the start 
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By: Reagan Parker, PCA sophomore Pinewood is celebrating their 50th annual Homecoming Week, and this year will be another one 
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