The Annual Fund is the consolidation of multiple fundraising programs into one annual fundraising campaign. Prior to the Annual Fund, donations were previously raised through multiple efforts such as magazine sales, super raffle, tuition raffle and soda sales. After careful consideration we have decided to eliminate these programs in an effort to focus on one fundraising area each year.
Donations will be used for capital improvement, retiring debt, specific projects, and to add support to the school’s general fund. Aside from tuition, the Annual Fund will be the largest source of income to our annual budget. Donations raised over budget will be used for school improvements and unforeseen circumstances, making the Annual Fund one of the most important sources of income to support our children. The ultimate goal of the Annual Fund is to help keep tuition fees affordable for everyone.
Your gift to the Annual Fund is a vote of confidence in your school. The funding is essential for daily operations and continued strength and progress of Pinewood Christian Academy. Your participation is a primary factor in securing funds from outside sources through grants and foundation gifts. Contrary to past sales and raffle practices, Annual Fund donations are now tax deductible, providing Pinewood with 100% of the funds.
The level of giving is a personal decision for each family. Your gift of any amount is greatly appreciated and should be considered an investment with enormous returns for the future of our children. With every dollar donated you are providing the best opportunity for all Pinewood Christian Academy students to receive the best education. The goal of starting the Annual Fund is to build a base of philanthropy in the Patriot family and provide a solid foundation for generations of Patriots to come.
Participation in the Annual Fund is vital to the health of our school and community. Moving to an annual donation allows Pinewood Christian Academy to seek grants from foundations and corporations. Through active participation by our faculty, staff, and patrons we will be able to present granters a high participation number, which shows we are helping ourselves.
Yes, the Annual fund is an additional donation that will help keep your tuition fees affordable. In lieu of substantial tuition increases, Pinewood Christian Academy must seek additional revenue from donations. Previously these donations were funded through multiple school wide fundraisers and after careful consideration to eliminate these fundraisers, we are instead asking everyone to consider a family donation to the Annual Fund.
Learning to Serve is a state-registered SSO (Student Scholarship Organization) as well as a 501c3 non-profit organization whose primary functions are to facilitate the process of distributing tax credits in exchange for donations and to disburse those funds for private school tuition scholarships.
Pinewood Christian Academy’s “Tree of Life,” a beautiful sculpture erected in the main lobby of the school, offers a unique way of expressing your appreciation to the school that has given so much to so many. We hope you choose to support PCA and would be grateful for any amount you are willing to give to our school.
Pinewood Christian Academy is a non-profit (with 501c3 status), private institution, and as such, receives no state or federal funding. All contributions to the school are tax deductible. Private donations can be accepted through our bookkeeper (Donna Tootle), headmaster (Kevin Cloud) and/or our director of institutional development (Brittany Brannen). You may contact them at 912-739-1272.
Pinewood Christian Academy opened its doors in 1970 under the motto “Fides, Veritas, Hereditas” meaning “Faith, Truth, Heritage.”