PCA begins the Christmas season with annual tree lighting

By: Reagan Parker, PCA sophomore
On the night of November 28, PCA host their annual Christmas tree lighting. The night began as PCA Headmaster Kevin Cloud welcomed everyone and led the count down to the tree lighting. Mrs. Paula Bush then read the Christmas story from Luke 2 to share the story of the birth of Christ. Everyone then joined her and sang Christmas carols. Mr. Cloud brought the book “The Night before Christmas” to life in his entertaining reading of the poem. Santa then arrived on a firetruck while everyone sang “Santa Claus is Coming to Town.” The children were excited to tell Santa what they wanted for Christmas and to take pictures with him. The night was enjoyed by all patrons and visitors alike.

Mrs. Paula Bush reads the Christmas Story.

Marley Jaymes and Sawyer Kate Brannen

Ava and Brayden Valentine