By:  Cadence Lynn, PCA junior   On February 14, the Lady Patriots went head to head with forever rival the 
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By:  Cadence Lynn, PCA junior   PCA vs. Trinity Christian On January 28th, the Lady Patriots started the game with 
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By: Mallory Sessions, PCA Junior   PCA vs. Memorial On January 11th, the Patriots traveled to Savannah to play Memorial 
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By:  Cadence Lynn, PCA junior   PCA vs. Memorial On January 11th, the Lady Patriots once again dominated the court 
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By: Gracie Hodges, PCA junior   Each year, Mrs. Lindsey Blocker’s 5th grade world history students prepare a special project 
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By: Gracie Hodges, PCA junior   Mrs. Miller’s 2019-2020 Honors English class was assigned a project in which they must 
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By: Brayden Gravley, PCA junior Every year at Pinewood, the K5 classes come together to produce a play about the 
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By: Brayden Gravley, PCA junior Each year at PCA, K3 through 3rd graders have a Polar Express themed day at 
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By: Claire Mullis, PCA Freshman December 4th through the 6th, Pinewood’s Jr. Beta Club competed at the Georgia State Convention 
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By: Claire Mullis, PCA Freshman   PCA Senior Abi Oates, daughter of Jamie and Lena Oates, of Register GA, was 
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