Teal Tea

The newly organized PCA Drama Club was invited to participate in Teal Tea, a planned event that featured a lunch, pictures, and fashion show for survivors of gynecological cancer. The actors and actresses from Pinewood dressed up as characters from Alice in Wonderland to help the survivors experience a whimsical and lively day away from their stressful lives. Each actor was dressed and in character while escorting people through the fashion show, taking pictures, and talking to them throughout the day.
After the Pinewood students had seated all the guests, a survivor of ovarian cancer spoke to the room about her struggles with cancer and the aftermath associated with it. A guest comedian entertained the audience between speakers and the fashion shows with various stories from his life. The second speaker was a lovely woman who had given birth to a daughter doctors said she would never have before being diagnosed and surviving ovarian cancer.
The two fashion shows featured clothing donated by Chico’s. The models were all women who had experienced a form of gynecological cancer or were currently fighting it, and each walked on and off the stage with help of the local Shriner’s club members who attended the gathering. The ladies were lovely in their roles as models.
The Pinewood Drama team performed the Tea Party scene from Alice in Wonderland after the first fashion show. The four minute performance featured the Marsh Hare, the Mad Hatter, both the Red and White Queens, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, the Caterpillar, and the Mouse. The lively performance brought a grand and whimsical break for the audience who laughed and even called out “Mad watch!” with the actors. After their performance, the Drama team remained in character as they posed for pictures and chatted with the crowd.
Overall, Teal Tea was a fun event meant to give cancer patients a day off from their fight and to remind them that even in the darkest times, a rabbit hole can appear to take any “Alice” to her very own Wonderland.
By Miranda DeLoach