Third Grade Pet Week at PCA

The third grade class at Pinewood Christian Academy has been learning about vertebrates and invertebrates. Pet week lasts for two weeks and is very exciting for the children. During the first week, Mrs. Deloach, one of the third grade teachers, brings her pet snake, Sherlock, to school for the students, and Mrs. Deloach and Mrs. Daniel have both allowed students to bring their pets to school. Students brought all kinds of pets. For instance, some students have brought fish, dogs, cats, lizards, and a pony. The students shared why their pet is a vertebrate by telling what class the pet is and describing the characteristics that make it a vertebrate. One student, Joanna Skeens, brought two goats to school. She told the class that her goats are vertebrates because they have a backbone, drink milk from their mother, have fur, breathe with lungs, and are born alive.
For the second week, the third graders have the chance to watch chicks hatch from an incubator. Pinewood’s third grade classes received the eggs from the Glennville Hatchery. The class members have the opportunity to take a chick home after they hatch.
By: Lilly Dasher