Ugandan Thunder

Pinewood Christian Academy held its first chapel of the year Friday, August 28, 2015, when the Ugandan Thunder Children’s Choir from Africa once again visited the campus. The group provided entertainment as they led the students and faculty in worship. This included several dances, songs, and drum chants to help deliver the message of the Bible in a new and fantastic way.
Ugandan Thunder consists of 22 children, ages 8-16. The choir has been touring the southeastern United States since December 2014 – October 2015. The concerts typically last 90 minutes and consist of Ugandan drum songs, track songs in the Lugandan language as well as songs in English, and include songs familiar to Americans. The children sing and dance and worship. It is not a just a performance; it is a worship service.
The choir, at one point while singing and dancing at PCA, invited members of the audience to dance with them. The added effect of PCA students and faculty standing with the children from Africa reminded those attending that everyone is equal in the sight of God.
After chapel, the choir set up a table where various authentic handmade Ugandan toys and jewelry were available for purchase; the sales support the choir’s mission. The choir also offered the possibility of sponsoring a child from one of the choir’s orphanages. The subscription amount provides the child with medical care, clothing, and food each month.
This chapel service with Ugandan Thunder was a stunning performance in a long tradition of supporting the children’s choir. The students and faculty will not soon forget the smiling faces of the young children singing of the grace of their shared God.
By Miranda DeLoach