PCA Inducts New BETA Members

By: Elizabeth O’Brien; PCA Junior

Pinewood recently held its annual BETA Club Induction during the Wednesday chapel service. To be elected into this prestigious club, all students must be performing at or above grade level in order to be eligible for membership and must display: worthy, moral and ethical character; exemplary achievement, and commendable attitude. There are four pillars of BETA that each student must have; these are Service, Character, Leadership and Achievement.

Vice-President Peighton White opened the ceremony in a word of prayer. Co-presidents, Joseph Eason and Shannon Potts, shared the background of BETA Club and its motto. Eason then explained what the purpose and aim of the organization is and lit the white candle which stands for light, purity, and faith. White then lit the red candle representing pure love, wisdom, and bravery. Grace-Ann Nevil lit the blue candle which denotes truth, constancy, and loyalty. Ben Wilbanks followed as he lit the black candle symbolizing dignity, strength and restraint, honesty, and tolerance. Gabriel Edwards then lit the gold candle which designates warmth, friendship and faithfulness.

After the lighting of the candles, Grayson Duckworth represented the new inductees in accepting membership into the club. To end the program, all of the new members recited the pledge committing themselves to the expectations of the Beta chapter and received their certificates. Gabe Edwards, the commissions officer, closed in prayer.

(l to r): Ben Wilbanks (Community Service Officer), Grace-Ann Nevils (Secretary), Shannon Potts and Joseph Eason (Co-Presidents), Peighton White (Vice President), and Gabe Edwards (Convention Officer).