Julia Hethcox crowned 2022 Miss PCA

By: Ginny Nutting, PCA Freshman
Pinewood Christian Academy hosted its 49th annual Miss PCA pageant on Saturday, March 26. Fourteen stunning contestants in grades 9th through 12th came together to compete for the title.
The theme of this year’s pageant was “A Night of Stars.” The theme originated from the verse Philippians 2:15, “Shine among them like stars in the sky.” The stage was decorated to seem like a clear, starry night. There was a dark blue backdrop with floor to ceiling string lights. Fresh flowers surrounded the stage along with a giant moon and street lights.
As a part of the pageant experience for the contestants, enjoyed a field trip to the planetarium at Georgia Southern University and had a Japanese lunch at Orchid. The girls were able to see different planets and galaxies, eat, and hangout all day. This was a great opportunity for the girls to be together and do something fun to calm their nerves about the upcoming pageant.
Contestants in the Miss PCA pageant compete in three areas: interview, casual wear, and evening gown. Interviews were conducted early in the day with each young woman taking part in a 5-minute interview with the judges. During the evening, Brooke Smith, Miss PCA 2003, did an amazing job presenting the contestants and entertaining the crowd as the young ladies competed in their casual wear and evening gown competitions.
The evening concluded with the crowning of the 2022 Miss Pinewood Christian Academy, Julia Hethcox, daughter of Chad and Angel Hethcox.(Hethcox also received the Interview Award, Casual Wear, and Evening Wear Award.) “I had so much fun competing in this pageant. Aside from all the great memories I made, I built friendships and learned things about myself that I may not have known without being in this pageant,” says Hethcox. “When they announced that I was the winner, I was overwhelmed with excitement because I now have the opportunity to represent the school that has been an important part of my life for as long as I can remember.”

(l to r): 3rd Runner-up, Jena Bradley; 1st Runner-up, Peighton White; Miss PCA 2022, Julia Hethcox; 2nd Runner-up, Genevieve Bradley; and 4th Runner-up, Allie Shea.
The court included 1st runner-up, Peighton White, daughter of David and Shawnda White of Glennville; 2nd runner-up, Genevieve Bradley, daughter of Ed and DeAnna Bradley of Claxton; 3rd runner-up, Jena Bradley, daughter of Ricky and Jennifer Bradley of Glennville; and 4th runner-up Allie Shea, daughter of Chris Shea of Register.

Genevieve Bradley
Genevieve Bradley was voted Miss Congeniality.

Emma Todd
Emma Todd, daughter of Nathan and Amanda Todd of Claxton, was named Miss Photogenic.

Grace Rogers
Grace Rogers, daughter of Charlton and Anna Rogers of Glennville, was voted People’s Choice.

Ashton Shuman
Ashton Shuman, 2020 PCA graduate, presented entertainment for the night as she performed a lyrical dance number to “Don’t Let it Change You”. Cadence Lynn, Miss PCA 2021, performed a dance number with the senior escorts to a montage of oldies music. Senior escorts included: Cade Beecher son of Willie and Bridget Beecher of Reidsville, Parker Claxton son of Paul and Paula Claxton of Bellville, Jade Bradley son of Ricky and Jennifer Bradley of Glennville, Gabriel Edwards son of Gene and Julie Edwards of Mendes, and Mic Wasson son of Keith and Amber Wasson of Mendes.

(l to r): Gabe Edwards, Jade Bradley, Miss PCA 2021 Cadence Lynn, Cade Beecher, Mic Wasson, Parker Claxton.
The pageant contestants and PCA as a whole would like to thank Mrs. Jennifer Bradley, Mrs. Nita Callaway, Mrs. Brooke Smith, Mrs. Cyndi Rogers, and Mrs. Henri Etta Rogers for their hard work during the months leading up to the show. They did an amazing job encouraging these young women and helping them grow as people. Pinewood would also love to give a special thank you to those who helped with stage props and decorations.

Miss PCA Pageant Directors (l tor): Nita Callaway, Lacy Shuman, Cyndi Rogers, 2022 Miss PCA Julia Hethcox, Brooke Smith, Jennifer Bradley, and Henri Etta Rogers.
Congratulations to Miss PCA 2022 Julia Hethcox!