PCA Students compete in Rotary Speech Contest

By: Matalie Miles, PCA Senior

Pinewood students, Riya Patel and Clint Strickland, competed in the Preston Johnson Glennville Rotary Speech Contest on Wednesday, February 17 at the Garden Club. Patel placed 1st, receiving a cash award of $250 as well as the opportunity to advance to the district zone competition on April 17. They were given the option to deliver their speeches over the Rotary four-way test or Rotary’s theme of the year- Rotary opens opportunities. Patel spoke about how the four-way test and current theme relate to each other and the current pandemic. Strickland placed 4th, receiving a cash award of $50. He presented his speech over the four-way test regarding the COVID vaccine. Pinewood is very proud of these students and looking forward to Patel’s upcoming competition.