PCA celebrates 50th Anniversary with Annual Fund Dinner

Headmaster Clay Hill.
By: Claire Mullis, PCA junior
PCA patrons and benefactors gathered in the Eddie Durrence Gymnasium for the 8th Annual Fund Dinner. In celebration of Pinewood’s 50th anniversary, the tables were decorated with golden centerpieces and white baby’s breath. Before dinner was served, Mr. Jamie Oates, President of Pinewood Board of Governors, welcomed everyone and Rev. Joe Eason, original faculty member, blessed the food.
Mr. L.W. Bush, Pinewood’s Annul Fund Director, introduced PCA’s founding Headmaster Dr. O.H (Tab) Smith Jr.as this year’s speaker. He shared an excerpt from the 1978 yearbook dedicated to Dr. Smith, “Behind all that became Pinewood Christian Academy stands a man of heroic caliber. From Pinewood’s inception to the present, no aspect of the school — its philosophy, its academic program, its noble reputation is devoid of his personal touch.” During Pinewood’s formation, Dr. Smith shaped the direction of the school by presenting traits on which the PCA bases itself. The traits he put forth: spirituality, basic education, and upholding the American values. Dr. Smith spoke these very ideals that were infused into the foundation of the school as he shared the history of PCA including why it continues to live on today.
PCA’s current headmaster, Mr. Clay Hill, also spoke about his time at Pinewood and how significant it has been to him over the years. Coach Hill, as everyone on campus fondly refers to him, has served in a variety of capacities as well. After 30 years of service in the public school system, Hill came to PCA where he has remained for the past 12 years with 6 of those as Headmaster.
Mr. Charlton Rogers, Annual Fund Chairman, gave the closing remarks followed by the singing of the Alma mater led by Mrs. Paula Bush who was the original fourth grade teacher and holds the distinction of being the longest tenured teacher at Pinewood with 42 years of service.
The Annual Fund Dinner is an event where Pinewood benefactors gather to celebrate the growth of PCA that, in large part, is afforded by their generosity. Donations of Pinewood’s patrons are put towards revitalization to the school buildings and athletic facilities, upgrades in security measures by way of security cameras and electronic door entry systems, expansion of instructional technologies with the additions of iPads and chrome books in the lower and middle schools, along with countless additions purchased to create an impactful learning experience for Pinewood students.
Pinewood Christian Academy would like to thank all of the patrons who have had a part in and continue to help make PCA what it has always been – a school that is more than a school – a place people call home.