1st Grade Native American Day

Back Row: Krisha Patel, Amelia Fincher, Aralyn Blalock, Amelia McLeod, Maddi Brannen, Jorja Cowart, Taylor Bland Front Row: Kevin Wasson, George Bradley, Houston Folsom, Aaron Caplinger, Gaines Holland, Anthony Benitez, Whit Daniel
On Friday, November 11, Mrs. Bell and Mrs. Haddon’s first grade students participated in the annual Native American Day. Every year, the students learn about the Native Americans who lived in America before the Pilgrims arrived, and they learned about the reasons why the pilgrims left Europe to sail to America on the Mayflower. Students also learned how the Native Americans helped the Pilgrims through the first harsh winter and gathered together for a celebration of thanksgiving with the Indians. The children enjoyed dressing up like Native Americans, learning about their history and how Thanksgiving was started.
By: Audrey Skinner, sophomore