Fifth Graders at PCA Partake in Edible Cells

Pinewood Christian Academy’s (PCA) fifth grade classes have been learning about the plant and animal cells and their many different functions. The students have been learning about the nucleus, mitochondria, vacuole, nuclear membrane, ribosomes, and cytoplasm. In order for the students to visualize the cell, Miss Elizabeth Tatum, fifth grade science teacher, allowed the students to make the cell with different foods. Different candies represented different cells. For instance, Jello represented cytoplasm, sprinkles represented ribosomes, gum balls represented nuclei, hot tamales represented mitochondria, fruit roll ups represented Golgi bodies, and chocolate raisins represented vacuoles. After the students made their own personal cells, they had the opportunity to eat them.
By: Lilly Dasher
Pictured from left to right:
Austin McDilda, Luke Scott, Gauge Freeman, Brynnslet Bland, Lily Jarriel