Community Helpers visit K-5

By: Taylor Watson, Sophomore
Community helpers have been visiting K-5 each week. The community helpers are parents of the kindergartners who come and talk about their jobs with the students.
Mr. Steven Watkins, Hallie Watkins’ father, came to talk about his job as an insurance salesman. Mr. Watkins works at the DeLoach Insurance Agency which is owned by his father, Mr. Joe Watkins. His office is located on Main Street in Claxton, Georgia.
He explained to the kids how you get insurance and gave examples of things you could insure such as cars, houses, trees, land, animals, etc. Mr. Watkins explained to the children that their parents paid monthly for their insurance. He told the kids how insurance paid for damages caused to items that they had insured.
He also talked about the skills needed for his job such as being a good reader, being good at math, and having good communication skills. Mr. Watkins also told the students about the tools he uses for his job such as fax machines, computers, copying machines, phones, and calculators. He also told the students that he is required to have fifteen hours of continuing education each year.
The students enjoyed his presentation, and they were very interested in his job. The students have also heard from a beautician, Candice Elrod, a farmer, Jay Clark, and a youth minister, Jimmy Griffith. They have more community helpers scheduled to come in the upcoming weeks.