4-H Grows at PCA

By: Emma Dasher, Junior
The kickoff for 4-H has just gotten started within the last month at Pinewood Christian Academy. 4-H is a fun way for kids to build important leadership skills with their classmates. This month, 5th and 6th graders elected their class officers after students vying for the offices ran their campaigns and presented campaign speeches.
Mrs. Stephanie Myers, our local 4-H director, explains, “A common question asked by parents and community leaders stems from the inquiry of how will youth benefit from affiliation with or participation in the 4-H youth organization. Evans County 4‑H empowers young people to be true leaders. True leaders are young people who have confidence; know how to work well with others; can endure through challenges; and will stick with a job until it gets done. In Evans County 4-H, we believe true leaders aren’t born – they’re grown. Every successful 4-H class has a good team of officers. The officer team fosters teamwork and cooperation among members through leadership and organization. Each officer has an important job to help make the 4-H program a success and each member successful. The election of 4-H class officers was held during the month of October for 5th and 6th grade.”
Every month each class competes for spirit award points to become Club of the Month. Mrs. Elrod’s class was awarded Club of the Month last month. The class with the most points has a big party at the end of the school year. Points can be awarded by things such as doing a two minute illustrated presentation or by having parents attend the meetings, so make sure you get involved with your 5th or 6th grade student. The next meeting will be held on November 11, 2016. Stay tuned in to our weekly newsletter for the times of the meetings.
Be sure to get involved with your child’s 4-H club and attend their club meetings. If you want to get a taste of what opportunities your child could be apart of, check out the 4-H booths at the Statesboro Kiwanis Ogeechee Fair on October 17-22.
5th Grade
Mrs. Blocker’s Homeroom
Trent Jenkins, President
J.T. Cofield, Vice-President
Kaedan Arnold, Secretary
Bradley Hearn, Reporter
Banks Durrence, Chaplain
Mrs. Bluestein’s Homeroom
Walker Todd, President
Riley Nevil, Vice-President
Jenna Sikes, Secretary
Grace Rogers, Reporter
Griffin Phelps, Chaplain
Mrs. Elrod’s Homeroom
Bryce Burke, President
Ashley Wilkes, Vice-President
Morgan Blalock, Secretary
Jake Rogers, Reporter
Wesley Tippins, Chaplain
6th Grade
Mrs. Dekle’s Homeroom
Elizabeth O’Brien, President
Peyton Williams, Vice-President
Lilly Jerriel, Secretary
Dylan Burkhalter, Reporter
Luke Scott, Chaplain
Ms. Tatum’s Homeroom
Truett Rountree, President (not pictured)
Smith Dekle, Vice-President
Lilly Griffin, Secretary
Jax Lewis, Reporter
Payton Hodges, Chaplain (not pictured)