Third Grade Body Projects

Have you ever really thought about how the different parts of your body come together? Well ask any PCA third grade student because they know all about it. Third grade students in Mrs. DeLoach and Mrs. Daniel’s classes have been studying the human body and how it works. Each student chose different parts of the body that interested them and presented a project to their classmates.
Emmit Daniel talked about our nose and how it works. His project was based around a game that included air fresheners and containers with different scents in them. He asked one of his classmates to be his volunteer and come up to the front of the class. The student he chose smelled the scents with his eyes closed and told him what he smelled.
John Daniel Rushing did a project on the lungs. He brought a human body model to show physically where the lungs were and what surrounded them. The students enjoyed looking at the 3-D model and had tons of questions about the lungs and John Daniel knew all the right answers. Mrs. Daniel even said she learned a few new things about the lungs from him.
Banks Hearn presented a project on the allergic disorder, asthma. He brought in the things he had to use for his asthma problems at night. He shared with his classmates how he carries an inhaler with him all of the time. Banks explained to the students how asthma is a serious matter, and shared the signs of an asthma attack. The students were told to pay close attention in case another one of their classmates were to experience this, so they could get help.
By: Courtney Kirkland, Senior