Pinewood welcomes the Ugandan Thunder Choir

In November, Pennies for Posho’s Ugandan Thunder Choir visited Pinewood Christian Academy. Ugandan Thunder is a choir of Ugandan orphans who travel throughout the United States promoting and raising a love offering for Pennies for Posho. “Pennies for Posho is a humanitarian and missions organization, 501(c) non-profit, committed to feeding the hungry children of Africa and to share the gospel and help disciple them.”, states their website.
The choir came to the Eddie Durrence gymnasium and performed for the Pinewood students and faculty. A few of the children shared their stories and told us about their daily routines. Ugandan Thunder performed dances and sang songs for the glory of our Lord. At the end of their last performance, all of the Ugandan Thunder children selected one Pinewood student to join them on the gym floor and participate in a dance.
Pinewood students’ first mission project of the year was to raise money to donate to Pennies for Posho. We raised a total of $546.08 to support the efforts of their mission, and the money raised will provide roughly 4,500 meals. Everyone at Pinewood loved and enjoyed every minute of Ugandan Thunder being there and cannot wait for them to come back next year to perform for us!
By: Audrey Skinner, sophomore