Rid Yourself of Clutter

Often in our daily lives, we add unneeded stress, confusion, and worry. These things can get in the way of our relationship with Christ. Worries make us focus on the things of this world, rather than looking at the higher plan God has for us. How can we focus on Christ if we are being consumed by secular events? We can reduce stress and anxiety by praying and looking for God’s presence in our life. Seeing the bigger picture and God’s purpose in our life allows us to be at peace because we no longer are consumed by our worry and anxiety about tomorrow. We can trust in his perfect plan. To have peace we have to look at the higher plans He has for us rather than the turmoil we see in front of us. God says in his word we should not worry about anything but with thanksgiving bring everything to Him in prayer. Who or what has taken your eyes off Christ? Take them to Christ and lay them at His feet.  Pray that you would see His greater plan for you every day.

By: Lauren Shiver, junior