Pinewood Students Celebrate Red Ribbon Week
By: Abigail Tucker, PCA Senior
Senior officers from Pinewood’s Interact, Beta, and Student Council attended the Evans County kickoff for Reb Ribbon Week at the Claxton Police Department. Red Ribbon Week is a national drug free campaign that encourages members in a community to live a healthy and safe lifestyle. This year’s theme was Life is Your Journey, Travel Drug Free. Students participated in a balloon release, and Claxton Mayor Terry Branch read the Red Ribbon Week proclamation.
Back at school, students showed their support by participating in themes designed for Reb Ribbon Week. On Monday, Pinewood students wore sunglasses in an attempt to “shade out drugs.” Tuesday was the day to “put a cap on drugs.” Everyone was encouraged to wear their favorite hat. On Wednesday, students brought in canned foods and said “I can, you can, we can say no to drugs.” Thursday was “sock it to drugs” day where students wore crazy socks. To end the week, students dressed down in jeans and a red t-shirt as a part of “I’m a Jean-ius, I’m drug free.”
Interact Advisor, Mrs. Jennifer Bradley, commented on the week’s importance by saying, “This week always provides fun for our students as we raise drug awareness in our community, while also providing the opportunity to give back with the food drive.”

From front right center counter clockwise: Jenna Sikes, Sydney Tippins, Annika Hendrix, Cassidi Lynn, Harleigh Driggers, Anniston Callanan, Jamie Sapp, Banks Hearn, Avery Beasley, Cade Sikes, Walker Todd, JT Cofield, Jesse McLendon, and Jhase Blalock.