PCA’s Varsity Cheer Squad named Grand Champions in Crusader Classic

Front Row L to R: Sarah Kelly, Laci Stone, Cassidi Lynn, Harleigh Driggers, Brynslet Bland, Mimi Parker, Morgan Blalock,
Back Row L to R: Coach Alexis Smith, Emma Hodges, Jaeley MacGregor, Sarah Jane Collins, Elizabeth O’Brien, Genevieve Bradley, Braxton Burke, Becky Edwards, Ava Woolard Polly Claxton, Coach Emma Dasher
Tuesday, October 23, the Pinewood junior varsity and varsity cheerleaders took to the mat for their first competition of the year in the Crusader Classic at Robert Toombs Christian Academy (RTCA).
PCA’s varsity squad dominated the mat in a flawless routine against Gatewood Varsity and Bulloch Academy (BA). Their months of dedication and drive culminated into a first place win and being named Grand Champions for the highest scored routine of the night! The team earned the Hit Award for receiving no deductions during their performance as well as the ORC Award for displaying the most spirit of any of the competing teams. Senior Tinsley McCall had this to say, “Receiving such a huge win at our opening competition was bittersweet to say the least, knowing that it was to be one of my last times ever competing and having to deal with the set-back of losing a team member to an injury, just days before. It’s safe to say that we didn’t travel to RTCA with the mindset that we were going to hit zero deductions. However, God worked through us as we competed and it is because of Him we were capable of performing as well as we did that night. There is no better feeling than having something we’ve worked so hard for pay off like that.”
PCA’s junior varsity squad also made a great showing on the mat as they competed against RTCA, BA, and Gatewood. The girls’ hard work was evident as they earned second place in a tough competition and earned the Hit Award for receiving no deductions as well.
The competition also included individual awards in jumps and tumbling. Shelby Dollar won the jump-off award with a beautiful toe touch and hurdler. Carson Rountree won the tumble-off award for demonstrating her amazing skills in both standing and running tumbling.
“To say that I am proud of the PCA competition cheerleaders is an understatement! Both squads rocked the mat, performing two strong routines. Satan tried to steal our joy with several setbacks, but God showed up and showed out! With Him, the girls were more than conquerors! The PCA cheerleaders are just getting warmed up and are looking forward to a successful season,” Coach Lindsey Blocker shared.
Both squads show great promise as they head into the competition season. The next competition is set for November 6 at Bulloch Academy in Statesboro at 6:00.