PCA’s 7th Grade Color Poetry

Pinewood Christian Academy’s 7th Grade just completed Color Poetry and Ode projects. The students have been studying poetry this nine weeks, and this week they put into practice what they have learned through some fun projects. First, the students did an ode project. An ode is a poem that expresses strong emotion about something. The students were put into groups and given a random object such as hand sanitizer, sunburn, turtles, peanut butter, Lebron James, etc., to write an ode to. After the odes were completed, and artwork added, the 8th graders read the poems and voted on their favorites. The winner of the ode poem “competition” was the “Ode to Hand Sanitizer” written by Payton Rogers, Aden Williams, Cassie Barry, and Colt Bragg.
Next, the students were assigned another project: Color Poetry. The students were put into different groups and given a specific color to write a poem about. Their job was to answer some questions about the color: what the color looks like, sounds like, smells like, feels like, how it makes you feel, objects of that color, and experiences and places associated with the color. They had to think very hard and be very creative to answer these questions. After they answered the questions, they were given a template to plug their answers to the questions in. Then, the poem was written on paper of the color they were assigned in the same color marker. Artwork was added, and the poems were posted in the hallway. They were read by the 8th graders who decided on their favorite: “Gold” by Forrest Johns, Savana Collins, and Kendalyn Spacek.
By: Anna Scott