PCA Hosts First Home Game of the Season

By: Lilly Dasher, Junior
On August 19,2016, the Pinewood Christian Academy (PCA) varsity football team played a victorious game against the Robert Toombs Christian Academy Crusaders with a score of 27-7.
First Quarter
Parks Hagan, senior, started first quarter off by quickly scoring a touchdown (TD) for the Patriots. The point after was unsuccessful, which put PCA in the lead with a 6-0 score.
Jeffrey Young, junior, ran the ball and gained over 20 yards for the Patriots in the next drive.
The Crusaders were backed up for a penalty because they had too many players on the field and were forced to punt.
Second Quarter
Second quarter was still 6-0 with the boys in green and orange in the lead.
The defenses were in charge with Robert Toombs intercepting the ball. Wes Purcell, senior, and Sky Rogers, junior, sacked the RTCA quarterback.
Kaleb Shuman, senior, had a strong first down run, which put them on the 45 yard line. Hagan scored his second TD with an 55 yard run. Pinewood scored a two point conversion putting 14-0 on the scoreboard and ended the first half of the game.
Third Quarter
Cameron Dutton, senior, began third quarter with a backfield sack, but there was a flag on the play. PCA was called back ten yards for holding.
RTCA was also backed up five yards for a penalty, and the following play they fumbled the ball. The Patriots’ Connor Kennedy, junior, caused and recovered a fumble.
Jeffrey Young scored his first TD of the night and added 6 more points to the scoreboard. Caleb Conley kicked the ball through the uprights resulting in a score of 21-0.
In the last minutes of the third quarter the Crusaders made their first touchdown of the game to bring the score to 21-7.
Fourth Quarter
Garlon Rogers, sophomore, hit the ground running gaining several yards for the Patriots as he began fourth quarter. After several runs, he finally scored a TD for the Pinewood Patriots. The point after was not good, making the score 27-7.
Robert Toombs fumbled the ball, and Collin Woolard, junior, recovered the ball for PCA.
Hagan has another strong run gaining yards for the Patriots. However, the drive ended with a punt that was blocked and recovered by RTCA, for 75 yards. Thankfully, senior, Matthew Floyd stopped the runner before he scored.
On the next play, the time ran out with PCA earning the win with a final score of 27-7.
Come support the Pinewood Patriots at Lowell Coley Field on Friday, August 26, as the Patriots go head-to-head with Memorial Day School. Also, the wee cheer girls will be performing the halftime show.