Pinewood is accredited by both The Georgia Accrediting Commission and by Southern Association for Colleges and Schools (SAIS-SACS). The GACI serves as a means of ensuring that its membership meets certain standards for the operation and support of quality school programs in the State of Georgia. SAIS-SACS is recognized by universities all over the United States.
Pinewood currently enrolls approximately 500 students in grades K3 through twelfth grades from several different counties: Bryan, Bulloch, Candler, Effingham, Evans, Liberty, Long, Tattnall, Toombs and Wayne. Bus routes are available to Statesboro, Reidsville, Glennville/Gooseneck, Mendes, Jesup/Ludowici, and Pembroke. Student dress code requires a uniform.
Pinewood admits students of any race, color, nationality and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on race, color, nationality and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions, athletic and other school-administered programs.
At the most important times we sing to Pinewood Patriot Green
Of Christian ways we hold the truth to Pinewood Patriot Green
So help us now as we meet this day continue to be true
And n’er forget the kindredship between our God and man.
Pinewood Christian Academy opened its doors in 1970 under the motto “Fides, Veritas, Hereditas” meaning “Faith, Truth, Heritage.”