Claxton Rotary gives Dictionaries to Pinewood’s Third Grade Students

On October 26th, third grade students at PCA received dictionaries from the Claxton Rotary Club. Rotarians Alfie Cofield, Randy Mayfield, and David Waters visited with the students and presented their dictionaries to them.
The Rotary members also handed out stickers with Rotary’s insignia for the students to write their names on inside their dictionaries. The stickers the also have the club’s four way test on them to remind the students that their actions should always be truthful, build better friendships, be fair to everyone, and be beneficial to everyone.
Mrs. Daniel and Mrs. DeLoach’s classes will use these dictionaries throughout the year as they use them to learn dictionary skills that will help them in their reading and writing. The class thanked the Rotary Club and are very excited to begin learning dictionary skills.
By: Courtney Kirkland, sophomore