7th Grade Life Science Animal Projects

The 7th grade students have been learning about different structures, classifications, and scientific names of animals. Each year, the 7th graders here at Pinewood complete an animal project for Coach Sumner’s Life Science class to go along with this unit. Coach Sumner assigns each student a different animal for them to create a poster with facts, a drawing that they complete themselves, and the scientific name of their animal. The projects are graded based on creativity and accuracy of content. They also have to list the entire classification of their animal somewhere on their poster. Students presented their poster to their class while sharing information they had learned about their animal. Coach Sumner loves the creativity that students use on their posters every year, and he always sees something new.
Coach Sumner also has a tradition where he picks the top three posters and awards them each a small prize. He displays these posters in his room for the remainder of the year. Coach Sumner’s students always love this annual project, and he hopes to continue this tradition for years to come.
By: Taylor Watson, Sophomore