3rd Grade Experiments with Plants

Recently Pinewood Christian Academy (PCA) 3rd grade students began their plant unit in science. They learned about plants by completing a series of fun projects so that they actually saw how the plants grow and reproduce. They first did a stem study, and then experimented during class by putting celery in colored water to watch how the color trails up the stem. Another project that they did during class was called “Super Tuber”. Potatoes were distributed to each student who named their potatoes. The students counted the “eyes” and watched the tubes grow. The 3rd grade students also helped plant an indoor garden in Greenhouses kept in the classrooms. Each student planted a seed and watch as their plant grows over the next few weeks. Students also planted a seed in a clear cup so that they can watch the roots grow. They will keep a chart on this project and will graph the growth of the plant once it sprouts. Students are tending to these plants daily. They will plant carrots, lettuce, and tomatoes in the PCA Outdoor Classroom as well. They plan to eat the vegetables that they grow. The last experiment they have done was to cut up a Jacob’s Ladder plant and an Oyster plant and replant them to propagate new plants. With all of these very fun and exciting experiments and projects, the students have fun learning all about plants and how they live.
By Emiley Phillips